I offer psychotherapy services to: Adults, Couples and Families in all stages of life.

I practice as a generalist, which means that I have been trained and am experienced in providing therapy to clients with a wide range of issues. I have additionally received extensive specialized training in the areas of Trauma and Abuse Recovery, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociative Disorders, and Relationship Issues. I see clients only by appointment, usually Monday through Thursday from 10am to 8pm. I also provide intensive sessions on some weekends, individualized in length, for those individuals and couples wanting to accomplish maximum benefit in a shorter amount of time. Insurances do not cover lengthy intensives.
Psychotherapy Models
I am trained in most psychotherapeutic modalities, and I draw upon the model or models that seem most appropriate for each client. All treatment plans are customized to meet the individual needs of each client, and are discussed with the client before treatment starts. I use Mindfulness Meditation and Hypnotherapy frequently, when clients are interested, as clinical therapeutic tools to help them reach their goals in therapy.
Session Formats
- Usual length of an individual session is 55 minutes
- 110 minute sessions can be arranged for couples or families
- Weekend intensives (1/2 day to 2 days) can be arranged for self-pay clients
Insurance Coverage and Payment
Almost all health insurance plans are accepted. Claims are filed directly with insurance and managed care plans. Insurance copayment and coinsurance amounts, as well as self-pay session fees are due at the time services are rendered.
Paypal Commerce Platform ( is the preferred mode of payment. This HIPAA approved secure payment network allows clients to choose, each time a service is rendered, whether to pay by credit or debit card, direct bank account withdrawal, or from a cash balance in their Paypal account. This service is free to clients.
These are some of the issues for which help is available:
Abuse History
Compulsive Behaviors
Deployment Challenges
Divorce, Separation
Eating Disorders
Job Stress
Marital, Relationship Issues
No Motivation
Obsessive Thoughts
Parenting Issues
Post Traumatic Stress
Self-Esteem Issues
Stress Reactions
Traumatic Events